Painting has been the gateway to a personal journey of discovery and possibility, of hope, anticipation, struggle, and often joy.
— Tod Tappert

About the Artist

Tod Tappert is a fan of stories. His life as an artist is the story of stepping into his personal Second Act.  After a fulfilling career in health and education, he’s turned his attention more fully to the creative endeavors that had previously been a hobby and distraction from the demands of professional life.  But even as a hobby, painting didn’t come into his life until his late-forties when he picked-up his first drawing pencil and paintbrush. It was through painting that he discovered what felt like an alternative universe to the memos, budgets, and reports that he had been creating from nine-to-five for years and years.

He has studied with Maryia Veeck at August House Studios in Chicago, and for over a decade with Julia Peters at the Central Avenue Studios in Greenville, South Carolina.  What he’s learned along the way is to look at the world around him rather than past it; to think differently about what he sees and to strive to capture a simple moment in time that has some meaning for him and that might be engaging to others. 

His paintings hang in private collections across the United States and in Canada.  As his Second Act unfolds, he is grateful for the affirmation that comes from these collectors and continues to find joy and satisfaction in the new directions that reveal themselves through the creative process.

Artist Statement

I try to create images that invite curiosity and trigger the imagination. It is especially gratifying when I am told that one of my paintings has conjured up a particular memory or a new idea. I love the stories people tell me about what they see in my paintings. These are the times when I feel a deep connection and kindred spirit with the person who takes a moment to view my art.

In recent years, I’ve become increasingly drawn to the evocative nature of a solitary figure occupying the canvas, inviting the viewer to step into the image and complete the story themselves. These points of connection are the inspirations that encourage me to continue on this journey.

Let’s connect.